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    >Nature Study<
    >Common Arts<
    >Art & Music<
>Physical Training<

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Community Kitchen Garden

Register for
Spring 2025

The purpose of the Oaks Outdoors program is to extend learning beyond the four walls of the home and classroom.


Our spring semester will run from March 7th-May 9th.


Students must be 7 years old to registerA parent or guardian is required to present at all times.


Class Offerings (students may select 4 classes):


<Environmental Studies> led by Ginger Westcott (Natural Resource Conservationist with the Stanly Soil and Water Conservation District)


<Common Arts> (our branch of study focused on reviving lost or dying arts) 


         * Basic Automotive** - learn skills like changing oil, rotating tires, checking brake                                                         pads, changing air filters & more!


         * Amateur (ham) Radio** - learn to use radio frequency to communicate across                                                                  town or around the world!


                                                           ** Students must be 10 years old to take these classes.


<Nature Study> We follow the approach of John Muir Laws and will closely study God's creation using words, pictures & numbers!


<Music: Folk Dancing> Learn historic dances - a student favorite!


<Art: Watercoloring> Learn step-by-step alongside the one and only Ms. Nicole! (


<Cultivate your Mind: Math Games> Offering Levels K through Upper School


<Discipline your Body: Endurance Training> Lots of running & strength building





© 2025 Oaks Classical Christian Academy

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